When most people think of a relationship, typically picture two people dating each other. While this may be the traditional version of a relationship, it is certainly not the only one that exists. Whether you are currently in a throuple relationship or just want to learn more about it all, we are here to help. We will provide you with a number of helpful tips to keep your relationship thriving well into the future.
What is a Throuple Relationship?
Many people all over the world are involved in non-traditional relationships of all kinds, including the “throuple”. This is when not two but three people are all dating each other. All three people who are involved are intimate with each other, physically and emotionally. It is everything you would expect with a regular relationship, except with an extra person.
1. Make Communication a Priority
It is essential that everyone involved in the throuple communicates with each other on a regular basis. Good communication is essential for any happy and healthy relationship. While this might sound a bit cliché, it’s definitely true. Those who are in this sort of relationship should be doubly diligent about talking to each other about anything that might arise.
2. Don’t Force it
You should avoid trying to force your throuple to grow and develop, because it just won’t work. It is important that you let things develop organically. This will help you avoid lots of problems that could kill the relationship early on. It can be tempting to do this, but you must refrain.
3. It Takes Three to Throuple
Make sure that you treat the other two people in the relationship as equals, because they are both part of the relationship. Nobody involved in the throuple should be “part time”; it’s either all or nothing. This is something that you need to take seriously if you really want it to work in the long term. Always keep in mind that you are dating both people.
4. Share Your Expectations
We already discussed how important communication is, especially with a throuple. You will therefore need to make a point of sharing your expectations with the two people you are dating. It is crucial that everyone is on the same page. When everyone is clear on each other’s expectations, the chances of things going south decrease drastically.
5. Establish Boundaries
You also need to establish boundaries in your throuple. Take the time to discuss what each of you don’t like or won’t tolerate within the relationship. This too will help you and everyone else avoid problems down the road. The sooner you do this, the better off the relationship will be as a whole.
6. Don’t be too Rigid
Keep in mind that it is never a good thing to be too rigid in any relationship, including a throuple. You should try to be as flexible and adaptable as possible. This will go a long way towards making everyone’s experience much easier and more enjoyable. Compromise is often needed when you are dating one person, and it is absolutely essential when dating two other people.
7. Manage Your Jealousy
While it is perfectly normal to feel pangs of jealousy from time to time in a throuple, you’ll need to keep these feelings in check. Otherwise you are likely going to experience big problems later on down the line. In fact, jealousy is one of the main reasons that a lot of throuples end up falling apart.
8. Discuss any Issues Without Delay
You must discuss any issues or conflicts that arise in your throuple right away. The longer you wait to do this, the more likely it is that one or more people will grow bitter and resentful. This is a basic part of communicating in a relationship, so don’t forget it.
9. It doesn’t always have to be you three
You can (and should) spend time with your partners on-on-one, at least sometimes. This can actually benefit your relationship quite a bit. It helps to keep the intimacy alive, which is crucial.
10. Maintain the Balance
It’s important to maintain the delicate balance of your throuple by consistently treating each other as equals. Sometimes this is easy to forget, but you need to make a point of keeping it in mind at all times. If one person starts to feel like an outsider, it won’t take long for the relationship to begin crumbling.
11. Coordinate with Each Other on Scheduling
When you have three people in a relationship with different schedules, things can get chaotic and messy. It is therefore a good idea to keep track of what everyone in the household is doing every day of the week. This will make it easier to find time to spend with each other.
12. Practice Brutal Honesty
If you aren’t being brutally honest with each other, your relationship is already doomed. Everyone involved needs to tell the truth about how they feel, regardless of how personal or delicate the subject is.
13. Aim for Peace
Instead of trying to “win” when a conflict arises in your throuple, you should instead aim for peace. Always remember that you are all on the same side. This will help to keep things in perspective when the waters of your relationship start getting choppy.
14. Make Sacrifices when Needed
There will inevitably be some situations in your relationship when you will have to make a sacrifice of some kind for another person. While you might not love the idea of doing this, it is necessary to keep your relationship thriving.
15. Don’t Forget to Enjoy Yourself
While it’s true that maintaining a healthy throuple relationship is a lot of hard work, you shouldn’t forget to have fun. Spend time with your partners, make love with each other, and be spontaneous. This will help keep things light and fun for everyone. If you get too serious, your relationship will likely suffer as a result.